Monday, May 27, 2013

How to use maven with cobertura (code coverage) with sonar in multi-modules

The case is ..
  • a multi-module project managed by maven
  • some project has test cases (junit) of others ..project A has the junits and project B,C have the business
  • you are using sonar and cobertura to get code coverage percentage
  • Now, you get 0 coverage in project B, C and wrong indicator in project A
  • you want to use maven as usual and don't use ant :)
The problem and  is explained here with a pretty ant/maven  solution. I just re-implement the solution using maven-antrun-plugin to be executed  in one step.

Download the sample project from

maven-antrun-plugin solution

in the sample project, I move cobertura.jar inside the lib folder of the distribution and rename to cobertura-jars then strip all versions

  •  add this profile to the parent project. with cobertura dependency  to do the cleanup




  • add this profile to each module ... to do instrumentation except the ear and the parent
<taskdef classname="net.sourceforge.cobertura.ant.InstrumentTask" name="cobertura-instrument">
<classpath path="${cobertura.lib.dir}/cobertura.jar;${cobertura.lib.dir}/log4j.jar;${cobertura.lib.dir}/asm.jar;${cobertura.lib.dir}/asm-tree.jar;${cobertura.lib.dir}/jakarta-oro.jar">
<cobertura-instrument todir="./target/classes">
<fileset dir="./target/classes">
<include name="**/*.class">

  • add  this profile to the ear project ..  to do the merge and generate the report (note the location of source and test code)


<taskdef classname="net.sourceforge.cobertura.ant.MergeTask" name="cobertura-merge">
<classpath path="${cobertura.lib.dir}/cobertura.jar;${cobertura.lib.dir}/log4j.jar;${cobertura.lib.dir}/asm.jar;${cobertura.lib.dir}/asm-tree.jar;${cobertura.lib.dir}/jakarta-oro.jar">


<taskdef classname="net.sourceforge.cobertura.ant.ReportTask" name="cobertura-report">
<classpath path="${cobertura.lib.dir}/cobertura.jar;${cobertura.lib.dir}/log4j.jar;${cobertura.lib.dir}/asm.jar;${cobertura.lib.dir}/asm-tree.jar;${cobertura.lib.dir}/jakarta-oro.jar">


<mkdir dir="target/sum">
<mkdir dir="target/report">

<cobertura-merge datafile="target/sum/coberturaSum.ser">
<fileset dir="../.">
<include name="**/cobertura.ser">

<cobertura-report datafile="target/sum/coberturaSum.ser" destdir="target/report" format="xml">
<fileset dir="../bus1/src/main/java">
<fileset dir="../bus1/src/test/java">

<fileset dir="../bus2/src/main/java">
<fileset dir="../bus2/src/test/java">

<fileset dir="../test/src/main/java">
<fileset dir="../test/src/test/java">


  • Then execute with the following
 clean install org.codehaus.sonar:sonar-maven3-plugin:3.0:sonar -P code-coverage -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true -Dsonar.dynamicAnalysis=reuseReports  -Dsonar.cobertura.reportPath=../busEar/target/report/coverage.xml  -Dcobertura.lib.dir=../parent/cobertura-jars